Annex B: Summary of ongoing work in Task and Finish Groups


The following is a summary of progress so far and ongoing activity in the task and finish groups.

·        Referrals from primary care and self-referral to Dementia Forward for pre-diagnosticsupport to provide wrap-around support throughout the diagnostic journey and for people with concerns about their memory needing guidance and reassurance.

·        Specialist dementia nurse commissioned to work with primary care to identify and support people at high risk, undertake advance care planning, work with integrated teams across the system to avoid crisis and avoidable admissions  

·        Dementia coordinators commissioned to undertake 'case finding', early identification and support in primary care

·        Identifying and addressing bottlenecks in referral to diagnosis pathway

·        Piloting a multi-disciplinary team approach for diagnosis and treatment in primary care where appropriate, with consultant support.

·        Deep dive planned to highlight gaps in services for people with young onset dementia

·        'Case finding' in care homes

·        Proposal for the 'Good Life' course; a peer-led, post diagnostic programme offered from the memory service. It offers an opportunity to talk about the implications of a diagnosis; about the future; about close relationships, about dying; about what’s happening and what can help – all done amongst peers.

·        Roll -out of Positive Approaches to Care (PAC) training in mental health services and York Hospital Trust.

·        Planned online training resource for GPs developed by the Alzheimer's Society